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BNSS Section 56 - Health and safety of arrested person.

BNSS Section 56 - Health and
 safety of
 arrested person.

Description of BNSS Section 56 - Health and safety of arrested person.

It shall be the duty of the person having the custody of an accused to take reasonable care of the health and safety of the accused.

Section Offence Punishment Cognizance Bail Triable
56(1) Abetment of offence punishable with imprisonment. Imprisonment extending to a quarter part of the longest term provided for the offence, or fine, or both. According as offence abetted is cognizable or non-cognizable. According as offence abetted is bailable or non- bailable. Court by which offence abetted is triable.
56 (2) If the abettor or the person abetted be a public servant whose duty it is to prevent the offence. one-half of the longest term provided for that offence, or with such fine as is provided for the offence, or with both. According as offence abetted is cognizable or non-cognizable. According as offence abetted is bailable or non- bailable. Court by which offence abetted is triable.