CRPC Chapters
- ➤ CRPC chapter 1 - Preamble and Preliminary
- ➤ CRPC chapter 2 - Constitution of Criminal Courts and Offices
- ➤ CRPC chapter 3 - Power of Courts
- ➤ CRPC chapter 4 - Power of Superior Officers of Police & Aid to Magistrates and Police
- ➤ CRPC chapter 5 - Arrest of Persons
- ➤ CRPC chapter 6 - Processes to Compel Appearance
- ➤ CRPC chapter 7 - Processes to Compel the Production of Things
- ➤ CRPC chapter 7A - Reciprocal Arrangements,Procedure for Attachment and Forfeiture of Property
- ➤ CRPC chapter 8 - Security for Keeping the Peace and for Good Behaviour
- ➤ CRPC chapter 9 - Order for Maintenance of Wives, Children and Parents
- ➤ CRPC chapter 10 - Maintenance of Public Order and Tranquillity
- ➤ CRPC chapter 11 - Preventive Action of the Police
- ➤ CRPC chapter 12 - Information to the Police and Their Powers to Investigate
- ➤ CRPC chapter 13 - Jurisdiction of Criminal Courts in Inquiries and Trials
- ➤ CRPC chapter 14 - Conditions Requisite for Initiation of Proceedings
- ➤ CRPC chapter 15 - Complaints to Magistrates
- ➤ CRPC chapter 16 - Commencement of Proceedings before Magistrates
- ➤ CRPC chapter 17 - The Charge
- ➤ CRPC chapter 18 - Trial before a Court of Session
- ➤ CRPC chapter 19 - Trial of Warrant-Cases by Magistrates
- ➤ CRPC chapter 20 - Trial of Summons-Cases by Magistrates
- ➤ CRPC chapter 21 - Summary Trials
- ➤ CRPC chapter 21A - Plea Bargaining
- ➤ CRPC chapter 22 - Attendance of Persons Confined or Detained in Prisons
- ➤ CRPC chapter 23 - Evidence in Inquiries and Trials
- ➤ CRPC chapter 24 - General Provisions as to Inquiries and Trials
- ➤ CRPC chapter 25 - Provisions as to Accused Persons of Unsound Mind
- ➤ CRPC chapter 26 - Provisions as to Offences Affecting the Administration of Justice
- ➤ CRPC chapter 27 - The Judgment
- ➤ CRPC chapter 28 - Submission of Death Sentences for Confirmation
- ➤ CRPC chapter 29 - Appeals
- ➤ CRPC chapter 30 - Reference and Revision
- ➤ CRPC chapter 31 - Transfer of Criminal Cases
- ➤ CRPC chapter 32 - Execution, Suspension, Remission, and Commutation of Sentences
- ➤ CRPC chapter 33 - Provisions as to Bail and Bonds
- ➤ CRPC chapter 34 - Disposal of Property
- ➤ CRPC chapter 35 - Irregular Proceedings
- ➤ CRPC chapter 36 - Limitation for Taking Cognizance of Certain Offences
- ➤ CRPC chapter 37 - Miscellaneous