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BNSS Section 55 - Procedure when police officer deputes subordinate to arrest without warrant.

BNSS Section 55 - Procedure
 when police
 officer deputes
 subordinate to
 arrest without

Description of BNSS Section 55 - Procedure when police officer deputes subordinate to arrest without warrant.

(1) When any officer in charge of a police station or any police officer making an investigation under Chapter XIII requires any officer subordinate to him to arrest without a warrant (otherwise than in his presence) any person who may lawfully be arrested without a warrant, he shall deliver to the officer required to make the arrest an order in writing, specifying the person to be arrested and the offence or other cause for which the arrest is to be made and the officer so required shall, before making the arrest, notify to the person to be arrested the substance of the order and, if so required by such person, shall show him the order.

(2) Nothing in sub-section (1) shall affect the power of a police officer to arrest a person under section 35.

Section Offence Punishment Cognizance Bail Triable
55 (1) Abetment of offence punishable with death or imprisonment for life. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. According as offence abetted is cognizable or non-cognizable. Non- bailable. Court by which offence abetted is triable.
55(2) If an act which causes harm be done in consequence of the abetment. Imprisonment for 14 years and fine. According as offence abetted is cognizable or non-cognizable. Non- bailable. Court by which offence abetted is triable.