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BNSS Section 81 - Warrant directed to police officer for execution outside jurisdiction.

BNSS Section 81 - Warrant
 directed to
 police officer
 for execution

Description of BNSS Section 81 - Warrant directed to police officer for execution outside jurisdiction.

  • (1) When a warrant directed to a police officer is to be executed beyond the local jurisdiction of the Court issuing the same, he shall ordinarily take it for endorsement either to an Executive Magistrate or to a police officer not below the rank of an officer in charge of a police station, within the local limits of whose jurisdiction the warrant is to be executed.
  • (2) Such Magistrate or police officer shall endorse his name thereon and such endorsement shall be sufficient authority to the police officer to whom the warrant is directed to execute the same, and the local police shall, if so required, assist such officer in executing such warrant.
  • (3) Whenever there is reason to believe that the delay occasioned by obtaining the endorsement of the Magistrate or police officer within whose local jurisdiction the warrant is to be executed will prevent such execution, the police officer to whom it is directed may execute the same without such endorsement in any place beyond the local jurisdiction of the Court which issued it.
Section Offence Punishment Cognizance Bail Triable
81 (1) Marrying again during the life time of a husband or wife. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Non-cognizable Bailable Magistrate of the first class
81(2) Same offence with concealment of the former marriage from the person with whom subsequent marriage is contracted. Imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Non-cognizable Bailable Magistrate of the first class