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BNSS Section 62 - Arrest to be made strictly according to Sanhita.

BNSS Section 62 -  Arrest to be
 made strictly
 according to

Description of BNSS Section 62 - Arrest to be made strictly according to Sanhita.

No arrest shall be made except in accordance with the provisions of this Sanhita or any other law for the time being in force providing for arrest.

Offence Attempting to commit offences punishable with imprisonment for life, or imprisonment, and in such attempt doing any act towards the commission of the offence.
Punishment Imprisonment for life, or imprisonment not exceeding half.of the longest term, provided for the offence, or fine, or both
Cognizance According as the offence is cognizable or non_x0002_cognizable.
Bail According as the offence attempted by the offender is bailable or not.
Triable The court by which the offence attempted is triable.