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BNSS Section 354 - No influence to be used to induce disclosure.

BNSS Section 354 - No influence
to be used to

Description of BNSS Section 354 - No influence to be used to induce disclosure.

Except as provided in sections 343 and 344, no influence, by means of any promise or threat or otherwise, shall be used to an accused person to induce him to disclose or withhold any matter within his knowledge.

Section Offence Punishment Cognizance Bail Triable

Defamation against the President or the Vice-President or the Governor of a State or Administrator of a Union territory or a Minister in respect of his conduct in the discharge of his public functions when instituted upon a complaint made by the Public Prosecutor.

Defamation in any other case

Simple imprisonment for 2 years, or community service or fine, or both

Simple imprisonment for 2 years, or community service or fine, or both





Court of Session.

Court of Session.


Printing or engraving matter knowing it to be defamatory against the President or the Vice-President or the Governor of a State or Administrator of a Union territory or a Minister in respect of his conduct in the discharge of his public functions when instituted upon a complaint made by the Public Prosecutor

Printing or engraving matter knowing it to be defamatory, in any other case.

Simple imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both

Simple imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both





Court of Session.

Magistrate of the first class.


Sale of printed or engraved substance containing defamatory matter, knowing it to contain such matter against the President or the VicePresident or the Governor of a State or Administrator of a Union territory or a Minister in respect of his conduct in the discharge of his public functions when instituted upon a complaint made by the Public Prosecutor.

Sale of printed or engraved substance containing defamatory matter, knowing it to contain such matter in any other case.

Simple imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both

Simple imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both





Court of Session.

Magistrate of the first class.