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BNSS Section 348 - Power to summon material witness, or examine person present.

BNSS Section 348 - Power to
witness, or

Description of BNSS Section 348 - Power to summon material witness, or examine person present.

Any Court may, at any stage of any inquiry, trial or other proceeding under this Sanhita, summon any person as a witness, or examine any person in attendance, though not summoned as a witness, or recall and re-examine any person already examined; and the Court shall summon and examine or recall and re-examine any such person if his evidence appears to it to be essential to the just decision of the case.

Section Offence Punishment Cognizance Bail Triable
348(1) Fraudulently making a false mark upon any package or receptacle containing goods, with intent to cause it to be believed that it contains goods, which it does not contain, etc. Imprisonment for 3 years or, fine, or both. Non-cognizable


Any Magistrate.
348(2) Making use of any such false mark. Imprisonment for 3 years or, fine, or both. Non-cognizable


Any Magistrate.